Wazimap USSD Application

States: states:display-data

Returns confirmation of the location and category to query using ChoiceState. User can choose to receive the data via sms (states:retrieve-location), query another section (states:select-section), navigate to Main Menu (states:start) or exit (states:end)

States: states:display-provincial-data

Returns confirmation of the category to query using ChoiceState. User can choose to receive the data via sms (states:retrieve-location), query another section (states:provincial-data), navigate to Main Menu (states:start) or exit (states:end)

States: states:end

Ends the application with a farewell message to the user.

States: states:incorrect_location

Returns options for the user to navigate to a new location entry (states:location), Main Menu (states:start) or exit (states:end) the application.

States: states:location

Asks the user to input a location on Ward, Provincial or National level using the FreeText State.

The input is fed into a Wazimap URL and returns a list of json location results found in South Africa that match the input location (states:results) or returns (states:incorrect_location) if no matching location is found.:

Eg. http://wazimap.co.za/place-search/json/Claremont
States: states:location-sms

Selects the section of json data for the Wazimap category selected. The sub_section functon then returns the specific results to be sent via sms.

An sms is sent and (states:end) is returned.

States: states:provincial-data

Returns a PaginatedChoiceState of Wazimap for the user to query.

States: states:provincial-sms

Returns the getProvinceData function which returns the Wazimap catetory per province.

An sms is sent with the data and (states:end) is returned.

States: states:results

Returns a json list of location results using PaginatedChoiceState. The user selects the location to query and then (states:select-section) is returned.

States: states:retrieve-location

Returns a delegator state that resturns json results for the location chosen by the user. This navigates to (states:sms)

States: states:select-section

Returns Wazimap categories using ChoiceState.

States: states:start

The initial state of Wazimap interactions. This loads a Main Menu environment for the user with the option of navigating towards querying a specific location (states:location), provincial data (states:provincial-data), or exiting the application (states:end) using ChoiceState.

function: capitaliseLocation(string)

Function capitalises first letter of word for cases where input is lower case.

function: getHttp(province_code, section_id)

Returns json text of a specific Wazimap category for a chosen province. Province codes in the format “province-FS”, “province-GT”.

function: getProvinceData(section_id, section_name)

Lists the provincial codes and names. Calls the getHttp function and returns a promise of data for the catagory selected for all provinces queried.

function: provincial_section(data, section_id, section_name)
Returns a subsection of data received from the json query for the relevant province. We need to navigate through the json query to access specific results.:
eg. provincial_section.demographics = function(data) {
        return "Population: " + data.total_population.values.this;
function: sub_section(data, section)
Returns a subsection of data received from the json query for the relevant location. We need to navigate through the json query to access specific results.:
eg. sub_section.demographics = function(data) {
        return "Population: " + data.total_population.values.this;